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Public Good works on public policy and international cooperation.


We focus on information and action to advance the Sustainable Development Goals - to deliver for people and planet.

We work with governments, NGOs and civil society, international organisations, business and universities on strategy, data, policy and action.


Public Good aims to help organisations make progress on SDG and Agenda 2030 commitments to
Leave No One Behind and
Reach the Furthest Behind First. In every country.

Information is power...

But to change the lives of people who are vulnerable, excluded and exploited, evidence and analysis must be rigorous, easy for busy people to use and clearly linked to action.

Public Good uses ideas and engagement

  • to make complex knowledge accessible,   intuitive and useful

  • to open up possibilities and challenge mindsets

  • to signpost people to ideas and information 

  • to stimulate public and political  action

To find out more about who we are, what we offer and how we can work together

to deliver change, please do get in touch!

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